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Maui Hawaii


Thank You So Much

For considering to donate to help Maui Fire Victims from the August 2023 Wildfires that devastated our beloved Lahaina town. In addition to donating, there are other ways to help Maui & Maui Wildfire victims.

In addition to donating; Please TRAVEL TO MAUI, Eat at Local Restaurants, Tip Generously and Support Local Retailers. While you are here consider volunteering for the many organizations that are still helping daily the survivors of this disaster! Volunteering even one day will make you feel good, set a great example for your kids & really help people in need!

Unfortunately for the thousands & thousands of people whose lives were forever changed that night, they are still living this terrible nightmare.

Immediately after the tragedy Maui & Hawaii residents, State & Federal government mobilized the best that could in such a short time. The people of Lahaina who were displaced suffered immensely as they literally lost everything & their needs were incredibly Vast & Endless. Entire generational families lost every single thing that they owned & trying to help so many people, all in need, all at the same time was & still is overwhelming!

My wife works for a nonprofit here in Maui & her organization quickly pivoted to help with the sudden needs that thousands of Maui residents had. Thanks to her & her organization's efforts, they pulled in $300,000.00+ in aid that went directly to Wildfire victims. Of course this was a just tiny fraction of the aid needed & that is still needed!

There were & still are lots of nonprofits & local organizations doing extraordinary work in supporting & helping Maui Wildfire Victims. Please consider donating to anyone of the vetted organizations that go to directly helping people in need!

Donate to Maui Strong Fund Here!

I have written about my firsthand experience that night in Lahaina in the Maui Wildfire section of this site & you can read it here.